Documentation for (E)2 Photo Gallery

Download (E)2 Photo Gallery and unzip files.


Step 1 - Open config.php file and edit the following settings

//Define the folder where your photos will be placed on you server.
//Relative to the path you place the gallery index.php

$gallerypath="images";    //EX. images or ../gallery/images no trailing slash needed
$thumbpath="imagethumbs"; //EX. images or ../gallery/imagethumbs
$transitionspeed="500";   //How fast you want the animations to render
$fadespeed="300";         //How fast you want the photos to fade in and out
$username="username_here";//Username for accessing image uploader
$password="password";     //Password to access image uploader

Step 2 - Upload files to your server.

Step 3 - Browse to your site and go to,              and log in using the "username" and "password" you set up in the config.php file. Start              uploading photos to the folder you've defined for that gallery and thumbnail              folder. The image uploader will automatically crop the thumbnails to fit in the              thumbnail viewer of the photogallery.

Step 5 - Clean, Rinse, and Repeat....Enjoy.

Setup to show only one Stylesheet

Step 1 - Open index.php find the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2.css" title="default" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2photo_black.css" title="black" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2photo_gray.css" title="gray">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2photo_lightgray.css" title="lightgray">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2photo.css" title="none">

Step 2 - Decide which of the gallery styles you'd like to display and remove all other references to those stylesheets(if you use any other style sheet besides the default, be sure to remove the "alternate stylesheet" to "stylesheet" ) EX:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/e2photo_gray.css" title="gray">

Step 3 - Find:

<div id="thumbtoggler">

Step 4 - Everything inside this div holds the images and links to switch between the stylesheets and replace it with:

<img src='rsrc/info_btn.gif' onclick='loadinfo();' border="0" class="toolTips" title="Show IPTC Info::Click to Display IPTC Info" alt="Show IPTC Info" /> <a href="javascript:thumbs();" ><img src="rsrc/thumbgallery.gif" border="0" class="toolTips" title="Toggle Thumbnails::Click to Toggle Thumbnails" alt="Toggle Thumbnails" /></a>


Multiple Galleries

Step 1 - Open config.php and copy from line 4 to 7

$gallerypath="images";    //EX. images or ../gallery/images no trailing slash needed
$thumbpath="imagethumbs"; //EX. images or ../gallery/imagethumbs
$transitionspeed="500";   //How fast you want the animations to render
$fadespeed="300";         //How fast you want the photos to fade in and out

Step 2 -Then open index.php and find line 51


Step 3 - Replace this line with the following code and update the information to point to the              correct folder and thumbnail folder

$gallerypath="images";    //EX. images or ../gallery/images no trailing slash needed
$thumbpath="imagethumbs"; //EX. images or ../gallery/imagethumbs
$transitionspeed="500";   //How fast you want the animations to render
$fadespeed="300";         //How fast you want the photos to fade in and out

Step 4 - Then save as a new gallery page and repeat for as many galleries you want.


Question: Can I have more then one gallery on one page?
Answer: Curretly no, well you could if you wanted to customize some of the gallery a bit. I am planning on making it possible to have multiple galleries on one page with options to switch between galleries on the fly.

Question: Which version of mootools does (E)2 photo gallery use?
Answer: Mootools v.1.11.